The #1 Market Intelligence Tool for CVBs and DMOs

Smarter, simpler destination marketing

Knowland makes winning more group business easier than ever for Convention Centers, Convention Visitors Bureaus (CVBs) and Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs). Discover how we can help you attract more groups, drive occupancy for local hotels, and grow local revenue.

Experience the power of unmatched market visibility

With the world’s largest actualized events database




Leverage Knowland’s destination intelligence to attract events and groups to your city, monitor competitive markets, understand industry trends, and drive hospitality business.

Understand market demand with destination intelligence

Our destination intelligence platform allows you to make informed decisions and boost your city’s economy. Discover how our tools enable DMO and CVB tourism through dynamic market data.

Shift share from competing markets to yours

Fill convention centers, attract new business, and support member hotels and venues by tracking competitors in hundreds of markets. With access to detailed market trends and visibility on competitors, you can quickly shift market share and create compression.

Uncover opportunities to attract large-scale events to your city

Custom reports show where and when accounts book large events and offer insights into their preferences, booking history, and more. Optimize your marketing efforts, effectively network, host successful FAM trips, and win their business.

Conference attendees clapping

See how events are actualized

Our database of conferences, meetings, and events demonstrates how they’re brought to life. Understand where destination management comes into play in your marketing efforts. Strategize how local hospitality businesses such as hotels, conference centers, and event venues can benefit from your visitors’ bureau.  

Boost overall market activity

Get the strategic insights you need to connect with event planners, market your city, and build prosperous business relationships. Increase the economic impacts of events in your area with citywide programs or a continuous flow of group business. 

Why CVBs and DMOs choose Knowland

“Knowland has helped us attract more group tourism than ever before to our city!”

National Accounts Sales Manager

East Coast Visitor’s Bureau

“I can see groups booking at competitor destinations that are an ideal fit for my market.”

Director of Research

Major Market DMO

“Knowland shows me the best “like markets” to target for helping member hotels acquire new business!”

Sales Manager

Convention and Visitors Bureau

The ultimate toolkit for destinations

Market Trends

See the trends as they unfold with Market Snapshot’s dynamic market intelligence dashboard.

Events Database

Explore millions of conferences, conventions, and events in various market tiers, cities, and regions. 


Account Research

Discover new accounts with SmartSearch. A search tool designed to match you with the prospects best aligned with your destination.

Sales Intelligence

Research valuable sales data points such as target account locations, booking preferences, and behavior to refine your real-time efforts.

Custom Reporting

Run scheduled reports to identify relevant events and account headquarters for effective field sales blitzing.

Competitor Analysis

Inform your sales strategy with an eye on market trends, top industry segments, and markets by booking volume.

See Knowland's destination intelligence in action!

Learn how Knowland, the industry's premier database of actualized events, can help you reach your destination visitation and revenue goals.

  • Understand the dynamics of industry demand in a market landscape.
  • Refine the sales and marketing strategy at your CVB or DMO.
  • Maximize profits during peak times, and stay afloat during slower periods.
  • Destination Management Corporations (DMCs)
  • Optimize all your incoming and outgoing group sales.

Request an interactive tour to learn how your destination can dominate the meetings and events space.

Request Interactive tour

Frequently Asked Questions

Which markets and tiers does Knowland support?

Knowland works with hundreds of cities and regions of all sizes across North America, Asia, and Australia. From small towns to big cities, we provide data solutions any market tier can leverage, regardless of proximity to convention centers. Get in touch to find out if Knowland is right for your city.

What features does Knowland offer for destination organizations?

Since retiring the TAP report, Knowland has expanded its features for CVBs and DMOs with tools like Market Snapshot and SmartSearch. Using Knowland Platform solutions, destination organizations can monitor movement in competitive markets and identify opportunities to drive tourism and grow revenue in their market. Speak to an expert to learn more about Knowland solutions for destinations.

What is destination marketing?

Destination marketing involves promoting and advertising a specific location or destination. CVBs and DMOs work to highlight their unique attractions, amenities, and experiences to attract groups, business travelers, and event planners.

What is a FAM trip?

A familiarization (FAM) trip is an organized visit by CVBs and DMOs to promote and encourage future visits. It invites industry professionals, such as meeting planners or hotel managers, to experience the destination’s offerings, attractions, accommodations, and services firsthand.