Knowland Select automatically delivers curated lists of qualified accounts directly to a seller’s inbox to boost productivity for hotels with limited meeting space.
Powered by the Knowland Platform, hospitality’s most comprehensive database of actual historical events, Knowland Select helps hoteliers identify qualified prospects and boost sales productivity with unparalleled data insights.
Get sales insights on the most active accounts in your sub-market:
Focus sales efforts on the most qualified accounts
Close more business with targeted outreach with the latest account intelligence and contacts
Supercharge sales blitz campaigns
Boost productivity by unlocking 20% more selling time per seller, every day
Understand booking behaviors and turn a cold call into a warm one
Maximize ROI with our fast onboarding and simple online training
Knowland has truly revolutionized the way I approach business development. I’ve been able to uncover valuable leads in a fraction of the time it used to take me.
Receive an emailed report of up to 250 accounts with data reflecting the quarter ahead from the year before to help you leverage the booking window lead time.
See new activities in your sub-market for accounts that have not met for 5 years or more to uncover new opportunities and grow your market share.
Account details, contacts, market summary, top markets booked, top brands booked, and most active event months of an account
Fast and easy on-demand reports to meet your seasonal needs without digging through large datasets.
See how Knowland can help you leverage the power of data insights and automation to empower sellers, differentiate your property, improve sales productivity, and drive more sales.