Try Knowland for free.

Understand your market, track competitors, and identify opportunities in Knowland. Create your Knowland 14-day trial account now.

No credit card required.

19+ Million Events and Account Booking Behavior to Generate Sales Pipeline

  • Fast Setup. Simply enter your email, then select your hotel.
  • Visualize and analyze. Know market trends and competitor bookings.
  • Target and engage. See active accounts and groups in your market.
  • Differentiate and win. Save time, personalize outreach using booking preferences.

Trusted by 7 of the 8 top U.S. hotel brands

"Knowland's data generates topline revenue and maximizes profit across our portfolio."

SVP of Events
Leading Hotel Brand

"Knowland’s tools are critical in booking more business for our hotel!"

Senior Sales Manager
Leading Hotel Brand

"Our sales teams rely on Knowland’s data to unlock opportunities beyond their traditional comp sets."

VP of Sales and Marketing
Leading Hotel Management Company

Our features make the difference

Benchmark your performance against the market.

Inform your decisions with action-ready analytics to monitor market performance and drive sales strategies.

Start your free trial now.

See who's booking your comp set.

Monitor competitor activity to see who’s booking your target accounts and make moves that win more market share.

Start your free trial now.

Fill your sales pipeline.

Unlock account intelligence and booking behavior insights to up RFP win rates, fill need periods, and increase revenue.

Start your free trial now.

Recognized by the industry’s top analysts and thought leaders

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